Friday, November 27, 2009

From The Thorn Bush.

Shalom all. I have not written in a while so here goes. About Fort Hood. there is plenty of blame to go around. From the top down we have droped the ball. First those brave men and women during the revolution that put there sacred honor on the line there fortunes&families have been dishonored by our actions. Lord God forgive us all for our sins of commission and omission. there was plenty of evidence that this officer responsible for the Ft. hood massacre was a traitor. those who knew this and kept a low profile to protect there careers share in a way some responsibility. this silence helped throw the dirt that would eventually be thrown on there casket's. Our Government which was more concerned with trolling for more information then the lives of our troops is  inexcusable. Our Government's involvement in social and global Engineering of society& its sister, political correctness was and is Guilty of promoting this Ideology that has led more Lambs to the Slaughter. what does the nwo and Islam have in common?. Answer: the tyranny of silence. Islam demands that people have no right to express faith tempered with reason. and the global elite that are promoting this, also do so with political correctness in our and other countries. Maj. Nidal Malick Hasan It has been said loved Death more then life. And his actions back this up. We know that many in our government also love death more then life.the promotion of Abortion is just one act of jihad against this country by those in our country. Both Islam and the nwo want to divorce reason from faith. Like Abraham let us offer our lives and children on His sacred altar of faith,hope&love for G-D Through Jesus Christ offers us a reasonable faith filled with Resurection Power. The culture of Death only offers a faith without hope or reason.

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